Valentine’s Day – Why we love our Nurses!

February 10, 2021 0 Comments

At TFS we believe nurses are the heart and soul of the healthcare. This Valentine’s Day, we’re sharing the love with our brilliant and hardworking nurses. They have many special qualities and so we want to give them the credit they deserve.

5 reasons to love nurses this Valentine’s Day:


No two patients are ever treated the same, nurses ensure that each patient is made to feel important. Nurses are so passionate about what they do that they often forget about their own needs. They’re even willing to skip breaks and lunch just to ensure all their patients are cared for.


Nurses work long hours, it’s a constant run around! Despite this, you can always count on nurses to be there for their patients. Balancing their time performing bedside care, listening to the concerns of patients’ family, supporting their colleagues and seeing/hearing for doctors. They perfectly bring together medical knowledge, technical expertise with compassion and kindness.


You will never need to feel embarrassed around a nurse or be insecure about your healthcare concerns…they’ve seen it all! For nurses, getting exposed to all kinds of things is just part of the job. They’ll roll up their sleeves and get to work without any hesitation.


Throughout each shift nurses can experience a roller coaster of emotions and face a wide range of challenges. However, they still show up at work, day after day and keep positive! They are known for having a great sense of humour that patients can take lots of comfort in during difficult times.


Nurses regularly feel they need to be in 20 places at once to support individual patient needs, however nurses are still quick on their feet. They can complete a huge workload all within a single shift. The combination of their medical knowledge, resilience and fast thinking, enables them to care for different types of patients and save lives.

Nurses in focus:

We’d like to pay tribute to all our Nurses this Valentine’s Day. Here’s just a few of our amazing workers and the reasons why our colleagues think they’re so great!

Pauline, Lewisham

She is a massive asset to TFS and always guaranteed to above and beyond in her efforts. She usually works 4-5 shifts a week with us and has done so since 2015. Pauline is an extremely kind and caring woman who always thinks about others before herself. We appreciate her skills and work ethic so much, and now more than ever during these challenging times of Covid-19. Her hard work and dedication really show how caring nurses are.”

Lena Abel Tariah and Edna Okong, Lewisham

These nurses are why I love my job!! They are both so caring and always put in 110%. They both work 5 shifts a week and have done since the Covid-19 pandemic began. They work so diligently and perform their roles brilliantly. We know we can always rely on them to help the hospital Trust when in times of staffing needs.

Michelle, Lancashire

She has worked a lot throughout the pandemic, and I am always impressed by her. At such a trying time for staff and patients she maintains a professional and caring attitude, she makes excellent clinical decisions and always escalates any concerns appropriately. She is a true example of how a nurse should be.”

Happy Valentine’s Day to all of our wonderful nurses!

If you’re a talented nurse looking for a new opportunity, please contact us today to discuss available roles in your area on: 020 7407 1122.

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